<![CDATA[Orla Design - HOME]]>Wed, 15 May 2024 02:29:49 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[NEW WEBSITE IN PROGRESS...]]>Fri, 20 Aug 2021 10:17:54 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/new-website-in-progress]]><![CDATA[Community Catalysts for Regenerative Development]]>Mon, 23 Nov 2020 12:25:09 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/community-catalysts-for-regenerative-development
<![CDATA[Agrosilvopastoral System: Retrofitting the "Pomar Misto de Sequeiro" (Mixed Rainfed Orchard) @ Quinta do Vale da Lama]]>Fri, 30 Aug 2019 12:25:20 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/agrosilvopastoral-system-retrofitting-the-pomar-misto-de-sequeiro-mixed-rainfed-orchard-quinta-do-vale-da-lamaAgroforestry video Series. Episode 01 - AgroForestry at Quinta Vale da Lama - an AgroSilvoPastoral System (S1.E1)
soon more to come.
hope you enjoy this one, on a more extensive approach.
<![CDATA[Nature-Based Design Framework Course - 4th Edition]]>Fri, 30 Aug 2019 12:13:03 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/nature-based-design-framework-course-4th-edition
<![CDATA[S3 supporting the creation of AMAP in Alentejo]]>Mon, 06 May 2019 16:36:32 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/s3-supporting-the-creation-of-amap-in-alentejo
<![CDATA[S3 at Sunseed Desert Technology, Spain]]>Wed, 27 Mar 2019 10:43:10 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/s3-at-sunseed-desert-technology-spain
<![CDATA[Nature-Based Design Frameworks (4th Edition)]]>Fri, 22 Mar 2019 10:01:53 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/nature-based-design-frameworks-4th-edition
<![CDATA[Ecosystem Regeneration Camp - Spring 2019 (4thEdition) @ Quinta do Vale da Lama]]>Fri, 22 Mar 2019 09:55:37 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/ecosystem-regeneration-camp-spring-2019-4thedition-quinta-do-vale-da-lama
<![CDATA[Ecosystem Regeneration Camp - Fall 2018 (3rd Edition)]]>Tue, 12 Feb 2019 14:34:13 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/ecosystem-regeneration-camp-fall-2018-3rd-edition
<![CDATA[Sociocracy 3.0 Training at Sunseed Desert Technology]]>Mon, 24 Sep 2018 09:49:26 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/sociocracy-30-training-at-sunseed-desert-technology
<![CDATA[Nature-Based Design Frameworks 3rd Edition @ Lisbon Botanical Garden]]>Wed, 15 Aug 2018 20:50:09 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/nature-based-design-frameworks-3rd-edition-lisbon-botanical-garden
<![CDATA[Ecosystem Regeneration Camp - Spring @ Quinta do Vale da Lama]]>Mon, 18 Jun 2018 12:01:20 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/ecosystem-regeneration-camp-spring-campo-de-regeneracao-de-ecossistemas-primavera-quinta-do-vale-da-lama
<![CDATA[Permaculture for Development]]>Wed, 02 May 2018 17:15:28 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/permaculture-for-development
<![CDATA[Food and Freedom]]>Fri, 27 Apr 2018 11:52:11 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/food-and-freedom
<![CDATA[Miso Making, Crafting Surplus]]>Tue, 10 Apr 2018 17:07:04 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/miso-making-crafting-surplus
<![CDATA[Erasmus+ KA1 Community Catalysts Coordination Meeting]]>Mon, 12 Mar 2018 19:48:54 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/erasmus-ka1-community-catalysts-coordination-meeting
<![CDATA[Engaged Ecology & Environmental Ethics @ CE3C (FCUL - University of Lisbon)]]>Sun, 11 Mar 2018 11:27:23 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/engaged-ecology-environmental-ethics-ce3c-fcul-university-of-lisbonHugo Oliveira has just facilitated the course "Engaged Ecology & Environmental Ethics" this weekend @ the Faculty of Sciences / University of Lisbon for the CE3C (Center for Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Change) Short Courses program.
It was a widely inspiring venture with greatly motivated participants and very fertile critical inquiry. Thanks to all that made this possible.
Hugo Oliveira facilitou este fim de semana o curso "Engaged Ecology & Environmental Ethics" na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, para o programa de "Short Courses" do CE3C (Center for Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Change).
Foi um fim de semana bastante inspirador com um grupo de participantes altamente motivados e onde o pensamento critico sobre os temas abordados foi bastante fertil. Obrigado a todos os que tornaram esta experiência possivel.
<![CDATA[Being Reclaimed By the Land (@Schumacher College)]]>Fri, 26 Jan 2018 22:28:05 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/being-reclaimed-by-the-land-schumacher-college
<![CDATA[Ecosystem Regeneration Camp @ Quinta do Vale da Lama]]>Fri, 26 Jan 2018 22:16:44 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/ecosystem-regeneration-camp-quinta-do-vale-da-lamablog.valedalama.net/celebrar-o-campo-de-regeneracao-de-ecossistemas/
<![CDATA[Biosfera "Permacultura e as alterações climáticas" // "Permaculture & Climate change" @ Biosfera (Environmental Tv Program)]]>Wed, 18 Oct 2017 14:23:08 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/biosfera-permacultura-e-as-alteracoes-climaticas
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<![CDATA[Planting a Drought resistant Fodder Bank // Plantando Banco de Forrageiras resistentes à Seca]]>Wed, 18 Oct 2017 13:01:52 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/planting-a-drought-resistant-fodder-bank-plantando-banco-de-forrageiras-resistentes-a-seca
<![CDATA[Ecosystem Regeneration Camp // Campo de Regeneração do Ecossistema @ VDL]]>Wed, 18 Oct 2017 11:05:46 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/ecosystem-regeneration-camp-campo-de-regeneracao-do-ecossistema-vdl
<![CDATA[Engaged Ecology & Environmental Ethics (3-4th March 2018)]]>Wed, 27 Sep 2017 15:37:18 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/engaged-ecology-environmental-ethics-3-4th-march-2018]]><![CDATA[Gorca Experience - Summer Symposium 2017]]>Thu, 21 Sep 2017 10:25:38 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/gorca-experience-summer-symposium-2017
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OrlaDesign was invited to take part in the summer program organized by Gorca Earth Care, a non-for profit organization based in Slovenia committed to do research and education related to ecological and social innovations in collaboration with local communities and international partners.

Gorca is located in the hills of Podlehnik among vineyard terraces, forests and inspiring views. The project is just starting and still trying to understand what it needs to become. The invitation is to carry out social and ecological experiments that invite people to ask different questions, to form new relationships, to engage with difficult issues,to find different sources of joy and to imagine different possibilities for co-existence on our planet.

A very diverse and international group got together to take on this social experiment around delicious food and several questions that set the pace of the days, some of which stayed with me until now... How can we live together differently in face of unprecedented social, ecological and economic global challenges?, How can we hospice a dying paradigm with respect and midwife something yet unknown and potentially (but not necessarily) wiser? How can we relate beyond identity? How can we access different layers of existence and relate from that space?

It was about the spirit in which we embrace time and space, the freedom to experiment in different ways, daring to step out of the comfort zone, being present with ourselves and to each other, deconstructing preconceived concepts and ideas, being together without expectations, allowing fermentation processes to transform and co-create, walking foggy roads in balance without being carried away by fear... The experiment continues as we all carry the questions with us until we meet again.

To know more about Gorca Earth Care please visit gorcaearthcare.org

<![CDATA["Nature-Based Design Frameworks" Advanced Course (CE3C)]]>Wed, 20 Sep 2017 12:59:36 GMThttp://orladesignorg.domain.com/home/nature-based-design-frameworks-advanced-course-ce3cSave the date.
May 14th-18th 2018
Nature-based Design Frameworks
"Renaturalize your Actions, Research and Worldview"
.Design as Nature.